Wales Monthly Cottage Meet – October

Monthly Cottage Meet October 15th -17th October   Come and join the PMC at our Cottage in North Wales for our October meet Mark Bishop the meet leader will be organising a scramble depending on participants. There is an event on face book please check this and register your interest or contact Mark at

Peterborough School Climbing Wall Meet

Peterborough School Thorpe Rd, Peterborough, United Kingdom

Climbing Wall meet Saturday 11th December 10.00 am -12.00 noon. All welcome to come along to a 2-hour climbing wall session at Peterborough School, Thorpe Rd, Peterborough PE3 6AP £6.00 per person, please bring cash if possible. Bring climbing shoes and harness. The Peterborough School is on the N side of Thorpe Road E of...

Wales Cottage December Xmas Meet.

PMC Wales Xmas Meet. December 17th - 19th. Winter scramble for mince pies! Come along and join in the festivities, communal festive meal plus trimmings and pud . Everyone usually chips in about £10.00 each. Meet leader Mark Bishop will help with the food along with other willing cooks! Secret Santa £10.00 limit. Organised scramble...

Wales February

Wales Cottage Feb Meet PMC  members  all welcome to go to cottage/barn this 18th/19th. Unfortunately there is no appointed meet leader for this month. If you have questions  please contact Mark at  


Oundle School. Milton Rd, Oundle, Peterborough, United Kingdom

  Yes the PMC is back into regular climbing again.! All members and non members very welcome. Starting on Wednesday 23rd February we will be hiring the climbing wall at Oundle School from 7-9pm and the same on Wed 2nd & 9th & 16th March.  Come and join in. All are welcome. The cost will...

Oundle indoor climbing wall session.

 PMC is back into regular climbing again.! All members and non members very welcome.  Wednesday 16th of March we will be hiring the climbing wall at Oundle School from 7-9pm.  Come and join in, all are welcome. The cost will be just £6 whether you are a member or not. Oundle school wall is not...

North Wales Climbing

Welsh Hut Bethesda, United Kingdom

Weekend meet at the climbing cottage. If you're looking to join PMC come meet members and socialise. In need of a climbing partner? Let me know and I'll see if I can pair you up. Cottage prices members- £15 Non-members- £20 all children U12- free all U18- £5


The Peaks

Come and join the PMC in the Peaks for our first Peaks rock climbing meet of the year. The plan is to start the outdoor climbing season with some sport climbing at Horseshoe quarry. If you are interested in going please let us know on the Facebook event or by email to:-


Welsh Hut Bethesda, United Kingdom

Come and join the PMC at our cottage in North Wales for our October meet. Members and non-members welcome. The weather is getting colder. if it is dry it will still be good for climbing. Scrambling and hill walking are always possible. If you are interested in going please let us know by emailing at...


Welsh Hut Bethesda, United Kingdom

Come along, and bag a ridge and a Christmas dinner.  So, dust of your crampons grab your ice axes, walking boots, crackers, booze, and tinsel. So we probably won’t have snow, but you never know! We will however whatever the weather be doing an organised walk/scramble on Saturday then back for a slap-up meal at the...